Friday, October 18, 2019

Organizations going through Change Research Paper

Organizations going through Change - Research Paper Example These aspects are presented in Intel Corporation (2011) and Jones, Watson, Gardner, & Gallois (2010). In Intel Corporation (2011), the rationale for change is informed by the need to match Intel’s enterprise architecture with the current market demand for semiconductor chips. On the other hand, Jones, Watson, Gardner, & Gallois (2010) address change in the light of communication challenges in the21st century. The role of Intel in enhancing the welfare of the communication industry is highlighted. The commonality between the two publications is that they both evaluate the sources and impacts of organizational change. However, while one is based on the internal operations of the corporation, the other focuses on the entire industry. Organizational change for Intel is influenced by technology, operation processes, and architecture subject to the desired level of creativity and innovativeness (Ilozor, Peter, & Graham, 2012). In this respect, Intel uses diverse rationales for internal change, while the industry rationale for change is communication-based. Therefore, the use of single or multiple rationales in assessing the need for change depends on the specific operations undertaken by the

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